Thursday, March 06, 2008

She's Back!!!! Dyan Garris....

What Is The Real Secret To Manifesting?

There are a multitude of books about manifesting money, the laws of attraction, and the so-called secret to such. And along with that there are multitudes of people who are now in therapy trying to get to the bottom of why they cannot manifest. I wrote Money and Manifesting to teach people exactly how to get to the root of the matter and how to really create whatever they desire, instead of just thinking about it.

There is so much more to manifesting than thinking positive thoughts, repeating positive affirmations, and applying the laws of attraction. In order to manifest we need to be able to connect the dots. We need to be able to go from point A to B. We need to understand energy and how it works and we need to learn how to transform energy and make something out of nothing.

We are certainly capable of changing our thoughts. We are capable of thinking positively and affirming those positive thoughts. We are capable of letting go and having faith that whatever we’re trying to create with our minds will eventually show up. But this is only part of the process and there is something wrong with this picture as many have discovered.

So here are some of the real secrets: We cannot effectively manifest anything from a place of ego based wants, needs, and desires. We cannot create effectively here in the earth plane with only our minds. The seat of creation is the root chakra – our base. And the energy of money resides in the root chakra as a very basic symbol of survival. So why are you trying to create money with your minds?

There is something else too. If you can identify with something, if you can see yourself reflected in something or someone, you then have a springboard for change. And then if you can fully integrate and implement what you learned from seeing yourself reflected, you then have transformation. Because of this, parts of Money and Manifesting are fictionalized so there is a very good story here too and one which everyone can identify with.
When you’re done reading the book, you’ve also had an exercise in left brain/right brain integration, which is a first and basic step of manifesting. When you’ve read the last page and you close the book, you will feel the shift. That is what has the power to change your life. Forever.

Dyan Garris is the author of Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards, The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking, and Fish Tale of Woe – Lost at Sea. In 2005 she created a series of music and meditation CDs for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance,™ and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit.


Dyan said...

Hi Sydney! It's so nice to be back at your blog. It feels like home. Thank you for inviting me here again. I'm available to answer any questions your readers may have. I'll check back periodically through through the day. Thanks again!


sydney molare said...

Hey Dyan! Glad to have you back. Positive vibrations to bring money your way. Powerful indeed.