Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Authors Looking Bad


Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be on message boards. You learn too much stuff, too quickly. I can't even claim innocence because the nosy sleuths have already put the 4-1-1 out there for me to click the link and ooh and aah about.

Guess you are wondering what bug crawled into my G-string, huh? It's this one:

Once again, an author has given authorhood a bad name. And these traditional publishers....sheesh! I think I'll pen a new memoir, get a fat advance, then stick my tongue out and let them try to sue to get a penny back when they find out it's fake, fake, fake.

This would take me into gestapo mode: heads would roll, hearts ripped out of chests...Make some"breathing room" in the budget.

Good girl authors do finish last...but not for always :)


Cheryl said...

What I don't understand is why she couldn't just write it as a novel.


sydney molare said...

I don't either. Are the memoir editors desperate now? If so...hmmm. It was a dark and stormy night...

Vanessa A. Johnson said...

It's sickening...and they just keep getting away with it. It's like the agents and publishers don't mind getting eggs all over their faces. You'd think there was a shortage of writers and they were desparate or something. Geesh!

Love & Peace,

Suprina said...

Sydney, I'm starting to wonder if it's not all one big ploy by the publishing houses. If everyone is indeed in the dark about the authenticity. I mean, controversy sells books just as fast as popularity. Maybe they're all looking for the quick payoff, bump the consequences.

Just my 2 cents.
