Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heartache again...

Once again, a wife had the most unpleasant duty of standing by her philandering man, showing her support, shoring up his flagging public opinion at the expense of her own self worth.

Ladies, just STOP IT NOW.

I am not a stand by my man at any cost type of woman. It's time we as women said what we wanted and let our actions speak for themselves. There is no way in the world that look on Silda Spitzer's face could be thought to be anything but what it was: Anguish, embarrassment, betrayal. Yet, some politico spin doctor has instructed her to be there, smile, show support for your man.

What the hell about her?

What about the fact that not only did he steal from the people, he misused and maligned her? Could have infected her with a myriad of diseases? Lied to her and the kids at some point to cover an inconsistency? And then he can turn around and ask her to stand by him?

What about her, dammit?


Sylvia Hubbard said...

i think there's a school that women of political men go to you it's called "STand by your man" University.

In detroit, there's a sex scandal going on with the mayor and his wife is standing by him.

so we're seeing it double time here in detroit.

sydney molare said...

Yeah, Kwame is a trip.