Many people always send me letters beginning, Dear Mr. Molare. I chuckle, get over myself and find out what the letter is about. My gender in the writing world has never been a big issue to the past.
However, after hearing Michelle Obama on Monday night, I am claiming and proclaiming my womanhood, feminity, uterus/uteri, Fallopianness from mountain to valley, hilltop to ditch: I AM WOMAN!!!!!!!
Wow, that woman came with it or like they say in church, she showed up and showed out. Now that the kind of "stand by your man" stuff I can and will work with--positivity, mutual support, and the love of family just shined through.
Ok, enough about the Family Obama of which I am a fan, let's apply this to our writing world. Too many "toxic love" books out there folks. Authors we must take responsibility and realized that continuing to peddle women seeking free loving from misognystic--but fine as hell--dudes is destructive. Destructive to a woman's psyche, self-esteem and ultimately our existance.
Now how about we "flip the script" and write about a Family Obama and their married folks loving and dealing with real life versus the hit it and run off/absentee daddy? Wouldn't that be sexy as hell to find a married couple that's still hot for each other as when they first hooked up, despite the hoolihoos trying to holler and offer up the free pootitang? Wouldn't that be so cool for the wife to not only not allow herself to be in a position of "being the last to know" but to have her game (meaning her modus operandi) so tight hubby can't see past his buffet. Can't speak for you, but I'm getting horny talking about it.
Anyway, I must say again, Michelle Obama, you inspire me. Barack, I sure hope you understand and realize what you DO have. Authors, let's give this a shot, k?
Peace out.