Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello World!

Wow, folks, it's been a minute since you've heard from me. I was hit hard, hard, hard by the death of my number one supporter and encourager--my mother--in May. My writing muse tactfully decided to go into mourning with me and I must tell you, I've written barely a conherent sentence since that time. But then this past weekend....something just "clicked."

Seriously. I felt an easing of grief and lightness to my physical being. And let me tell you, delicately, the activities in the wee hours of the morning were....off the chain! So as my spirits lift, my writing will return. And I'm in the middle of some very "interesting" ones. Stay tuned and strap on your seatbelt. Payback, Inc. is on its way.....


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you're getting back in the swing of things. I too am trying to struggle back from grief and find that the creative process helps. I'm happy to be considered for your tour and look forward to taking this plunge together!

sydney molare said...

Time does heal our wounds...