Monday, October 24, 2005


This week, I've done some re-evaluating of my life. I got naked like I suggested in some of my earliest posts and looked at where I've been, where I am and where I want to go. I was brutally honest with me, myself and I. Thus, I've got a trashcan than needs dumping 'cause I've thrown out what doesn't work, things I don't have time to see if it will finally work and things I am unwilling to commit to fully. **Inhale** My head is clearer and heart lighter. Saying "No" when you mean to, need to or just want to is a right we all need to exercise regularly. I don't plan to be too blunt (as my brother says I am). But I do plan to participate in things that "fit" with me, whatever, wherever and whoever they are.


1 comment:

sydney molare said...

Naw, just a bunch of "stuff" I was doing, not because I wanted to, but because others suggested it. I had to let it go and just be me.